Nicholas Gasson


Nicholas Gasson


For LCT: Davies in The Caretaker, Michael in Someone Who’ll Watch Over Me and Ed and Kemp in Entertaining Mr Sloane.

Other theatre includes: Wings (Young Vic); The Dumb Waiter, The Lover (European Arts); James and the Giant Peach (No.1 tour); A Chip in the Sugar from Talking Heads (Theatre Royal, Bury St Edmunds); Season’s Greetings (The Mill, Sonning); The Picture of Dorian Gray (European Arts at Greenwich Theatre); Dick Whittington (Royal Theatre Northampton);  Pink for a Boy (Oldham Coliseum); School for Wives (BAC);  Much Ado About Nothing (Mad Dogs and Englishmen).

Television includes: EastEnders, Doctors, Shadow in the North, Private Life of an Easter Masterpiece (BBC);  Merlin (Shine/BBC).