Kiln Network

The Kiln Network is a local artist hub which gives performing arts professionals based in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent – in any stage of their career – talks, advice, networking, and opportunities to connect with industry professionals.
The Kiln Network will begin its pilot year by deciding its content in collaboration with the artists in the network to make sure it provides something genuinely worthwhile.
Following initial discussions and welcome sessions to discuss and establish the content of the Kiln Network, from early 2022 onwards, a programme of tailored workshops, talks, and professional development opportunities will take place alongside opportunities to see shows and connect with network members and industry professionals. This could look like a talk from a playwright one month, an opportunity to see a rehearsal/performance at the New Vic another month, and a chance to get advice on creative projects from our team another month.
The Kiln Network is committed to representing as wide a range of artists as possible in Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire.
Thank you to everybody who answered our call out. Applications to join the Kiln Network are now closed.