Theresa Heskins.


Theresa Heskins

 Productions for the New Vic: Marvellous (and at @SohoPlace); Tom, Dick & Harry (and at Alexandra Palace),  Beauty and the Beast, Coppelia – A Mystery, Hoard: Rediscovered, The Prince and The Pauper, The 39 Steps, Astley’s Astounding Adventures, Votes for Women, Treasure Island, Around The World In 80 Days (with the Royal Exchange; UK tour, New York and Florida; winner of the Cameo Page to Stage Award); The Snow Queen (UK Theatre Award: Best Show for Children and Young People); Peter Pan in Scarlet (with Oxford Playhouse); Kiss Me Quickstep, Robin Hood & Marian, Unearthed, The Throne (with the National Theatre Studio); Dracula, The Borrowers, The Hundred and One Dalmatians, Widowers’ Houses, A Christmas Carol, Far From the Madding Crowd, Where Have I Been All My Life?, Alice in Wonderland, The Rivals, The Admirable Crichton, Peter Pan, Bleak House, Humble Boy, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, The Wicked Lady, A Voyage Round My Father, The Weir, Great Expectations, The Wizard of Oz, Cider With Rosie, Jamaica Inn, The Glee Club.

Other Theatre credits include: The Worst Witch (UK Tour and Vaudeville Theatre, Olivier Award: Best Family Entertainment); White Open Spaces (South Bank Show Decibel Award nominee); Silent Engine (Edinburgh Fringe First); Precious Bane (Pentabus Theatre); Grace (Jade Theatre).

Writing includes: Tom, Dick & Harry, Marvellous; Coppelia, Unearthed, Lady Audley’s Secret, Wives and Daughters, Gunpowder Women (for BBC Women’s Hour). Shows created for the New Vic at Christmas have been produced all over the UK, including by the Watermill Theatre, Northern Stage, Edinburgh Lyceum, Cardiff Sherman, Kingston Rose, Northampton Theatres and Derby Theatre.

Trained at Birmingham Rep on the Regional Theatre Young Director Scheme.